2004 - site was down from 3-12 to 18-12-2004

The web site was down from 3-12 to 18-12/2004. Sorry for the interruption. This was due to maintenance of the EVC cable provider who hosts the static IP of the web site.

The modem and static IP number changed. Updating worldwide DNS servers will take two additional days. Now the server is up again and should be more efficient. The upload bandwidth has been raised to 512 ko/s.
Many wrong links have been corrected especially for the videos. The Zope server is now displaying all pages dhtml python zope pages and the html pages. Enjoy…

The domain name of the site haguenau-radiologie.com is not updated now. This dns was hosted by the open source granitecanyon.com server. I'm trying to update the world's DNS servers for the new IP number but this is going very slowly

Anyway we have now a new domain name who is more suited for that site:


The DNS is hosted by Dyndns.org and the servers are very fast to update the IP. This domain name will be more stable I think. I'm trying to update the old name to make a redirection as quick as possible
That's all folks...